Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Multi-National Finals

If you are a corporation (or CEO, CAO, CFO, banker, shareholder, etc., etc.) your exam is titled, Multi-National Finals and is 98% the same as the National Finals (recently released—October 21, 2011). Like the National Finals exam, it is open book (or books, as the case may be). The only difference is question 15. So after completing the relevant 19 National Finals questions, please proceed to this substitute question? Remember, examinees have 7 options:
C= Maybe
D= I don’t remember
E= I take the American Fifth
F= I’d rather go-to-hell than tell (Caveat emptor: this may constitute a technical redundancy.)
X= The shareholders made me (or so I am told)
Have you EVER:

15: dropped an Econ-bomb on local[1] economies or employees VIA
i) exit strategies? _______
ii) externalized costs? _______
iii) employee lay-offs, firings, rollbacks, cuts, etc., etc.? _______
iv) employee pension heists? ______________
v) exploitation of human suffering, needs, and desperation? _______
vi) excessive salaries/bonuses/perks/etc. to HyPEs (Highly Paid Employees)? _______
vii) endless tax-breaks, -holidays, -shelters, etc.? _______
viii) excessive, unsound leveraging? _______
ix) enhanced quarterly reports? _______
x) Enron-imaged, accounting? _______
xi) egregious polluting, hazardous and/or addictive products, etc.? _______
xii) extractive investment exceeding productive investment? _______
xiii) exploitation of public lands and/or resources for private profit? _______
xiv) extractive corporate raiding? _______
xv) erroneous rumors to enhance share value? _______
xvi) erroneous rumors to eradicate competitors? _______
xvii) exacting, crushing loans? _______
xviii) enticing Ponzi schemes? _______
xix) economic hit-men? _______
xx) etc. (your confession here)? _______
Note: The National Finals is a free exam whereas this Multi-National Final has a mandatory fee assessment to be determined upon completion using a (trade-secret) algorithm of your answers combined with a for-profit equation. (Good luck. You may need it!)

[1] Includes nation states since you are probably a global giant or an accessory to one.

Friday, October 21, 2011

National Finals

A short, multiple-choice exam for Nations, their presidents, prime ministers, kings, rulers, magistrates, electees, appointees, dictators, usurpers, etc., AND their lawyers, advisers, employees, go-fers, and sycophants. Examinees have 7 options:
C= Maybe
D= I don’t remember
E= I take the American Fifth
F= I’d rather go-to-hell than tell (Caveat emptor: this may constitute a technical redundancy.)
X= My employer made me[1]
PLEASE ANSWER HONESTLY—even if it goes against your nature!

Have you EVER:
1. lied? __________
2. taken a bribe? __________
3. deliberately destroyed important documents? __________
4. favored a financial donor’s agenda? __________
5. misused government revenues? __________
6. abused others from a position of power/prestige? __________
7. turned a blind eye to the crimes of “friends” or colleagues? __________
8. interfered in a judicial case? __________
9. twisted/manipulated facts, statistics, text, pictures, videos, etc. __________
10. succumbed to insider trading? __________
11. ignored/denied a conflict of interest? __________
12. mis-/discounted/manipulated election results? __________
13. broken any law for personal, family, or collegial benefit? __________
14. deliberately dropped a bomb on civilians? __________
15. deliberately dropped an A or H bomb? __________
16. injured or killed innocent people and called it collateral damage? __________
17. instigated/fomented rebellion against elected officials in other nations? __________
18. believed you were appointed by God to micro-manage the people? __________
19. played the harlot (in déjà vu of Ezekiel 16:28[2])? __________
20. told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? __________
[1] In this case, please read
[2] Old Testament Ezekiel 16:28: Thou hast played the whore also with the Assyrians [et al.], because thou wast unsatiable; yea, thou hast played the harlot with them, and yet couldest not be satisfied.

Friday, October 14, 2011

An Observation

If experience and observation attest that our physical & social worlds are composed of opposites, as in
light – darkwet – dry
hot – coldin - out
high – low fast – slow
smooth - rough open – closed
moving - still order - chaos
truth – error give - take
action – reaction infinite - finite
positive - negative inductive - deductive
dilation – contraction inspiration – expiration
matter - antimatterattraction - repulsion
optimism - pessimism many - few
seeing – blind hearing – deaf
health – sickness pleasure – pain
hope - despairvirtue - vice
peace - war etc.- etc. (ad infinitum)

why do some scientists reject a cosmos comprised of opposites:
- inhomogeneous AND homogeneous patterns (as in clusters/super-clusters AND smooth background);
- progression/evolution AND regression/decay (as in some things forever aggregating/improving and others coming apart at the seams (and in-between)?
IF infinity is real and applies to truth, order, justice, and all things of good report, maybe we could dispense with the worm-holes, black-holes, and sink-holes of “What’s the point?”

AND speaking of “points:”

How long can the assumptions of the BIG BANG (et al.) keep banging up against observation without popping like the old geocentric bubble? How long till CERTAIN scientists lose their certainty? How long till peer review is exposed for what it frequently is—peer pressure to conform to vested theories and assumptions—cocooned in authoritarianism? “Déjà vu, all over again!” as the Yogi said.

HOWEVER, there is also that other déjà vu where worthy theories survive, order reasserts itself, enlightenment travels, and where infinity is the manifest opposite of BANG BANG, you’re dead and gone and pointless.*

Author’s caveat and disclosure: one thing I feel fairly certain about is the possibility that I could be wrong about pretty much everything! (Our knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and discernment are so limited.) But in my quest for “what is real,” (and trans-real?!) some things make more observable AND spiritual sense than others, even: “To infinity and beyond!”**

* Paraphrase of American theoretical physicist and Nobel Prize winner Steven Weinberg
** Buzz Lightyear
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